East London
Parish office:
Pastor Silke Halfmann
22 Downside Crescent
London NW3 2AR
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7794 4173
Mob: +44 (0) 77 5488 9557
Email: pastor@german-church.org
Website: https://london-ost.german-church.org/
A parish in this parochial area in London, St. George in East End London, the oldest surviving German church in Great Britain has already celebrated its 300th anniversary. Another, the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Church, is younger, but can rely on the fact that Bonhoeffer was a pastor there from 1933-35 and initiated essential actions in the fight against National Socialism from his parish office in London.
Current work in St. Albans is particularly concerned with maintaining ecumenical contacts. There the German pastor - unique in England - is also Ecumenical Chaplain at the cathedral.
Image: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church